Thursday, July 12, 2018

Green Iguana Facts Sheet


You cannot find something more wonderful than an iguana as a pet but you need to be aware that they require tremendous attention and knowing more about them should help you give them that care and attention.  Some of the facts that you should be aware are as under:

1. They are vegetarians.

You do not have to visit a pet shop and feed your iguana with worms, crickets or any such creatures since iguanas are vegetarians and they are content feeding on greens and vegetables that you can pick from your garden or grocery

2. Iguanas are easy to build a rapport with.

Contrary to some other variety of snakes or lizards, iguanas are friendlier and take to their owners quite easily, to the extent that they are comfortable sleeping next to the owners.  They are so friendly that anybody can hold them and they even allow their masters to dress them as per their choice.

3. Iguanas have a long life.

As human beings, we tend to become attached to our pets and would like them to be with us for a long time.  That is because we invest our time, effort and money in providing them the best of care.  The good news is that iguanas can live up to 20 years and thus outlive other pets like rats, hamsters.

4. Iguanas do not cause allergy

Unlike some other pets with fur or hair, the iguana has none of these and hence is absolutely safe for even an asthmatic to handle and maintain one as a pet.

5. Iguanas can be very useful for your children.

Besides the companionship provided by the iguana as a pet, the iguana also allows for a good learning experience to children when they learn to take care of the reptile and get to know more about its physiology.

The above facts are useful in taking an informed decision to go for an iguana as a pet and how to take care of them.

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